You’ll have complete peace of mind knowing you’re covered by 6-year guarantee as well as our own commitment to a thorough handover on completion where we explain in detail the sign-off, guarantee and paint care procedures that come with your new painting and decorating project.
You’ll love our attention to detail
Many think we’re too fastidious, but we believe your property should be finished to the highest standard possible. We’d expect that standard if it were our property. Our proven Project Management System and Quality Plan delivers the quality you deserve.
You really do get value for money
Yeah, we know, everyone says it. The difference is we mean it and can show you. They’re the little extras that have you feeling like you chose the right contractor. Extras like free colour consultation, dedicated project management only to oversee your project, comprehensive service to include plastering, house wash, scaffolding, sleeving power lines, building repairs and so on to circumvent you in dealing with multiple contractors, waste management plan to ensure we always keep your property clean and tidy, and eco-friendly, and paint system schedule after sign-off so you have a written specification. See, you really do get value for money.
Impressive first impressions that will last
How often do we think something looks good only for it to quickly deteriorate? Not so with our service. Because the workmanship and finish is of such a high standard, we know your property will look great today, next year and for years to come. It’s one of the reasons so many of our customers come from word-of-mouth.
Leaders in the building industry
We’ve been around for over 30 years and we’ve seen cowboys come and go. You do not last in this industry if you’re one of them. 30 years says something. We’re multiple award winners of Master Painters for Residential Rework. We’re often the painting company behind industry trends and our professional painting service for years has qualified us in becoming a preferred Resene Eco. Decorator partner; a recognized nationwide programme of environmentally responsible, quality focused painting contractors; thereby taking the painting industry to a whole new level.
Big enough to give you certainty and small enough to care
With a handpicked team of production management, back office support and painting crew, we’ve decorated many properties over the years but what really sets us apart is that we’re not so big that you feel like you’re simply meeting someone’s sales target. We really want you to be delighted with your property and we’ll go the extra mile to make sure you are…just like adding in a 6th reason to paint and decorate with us.