Site Safe 2019 Construction Health and Safety Awards

The Site Safe Construction Health, Safety and Wellbeing Awards acknowledge people, sites or companies/organisations who have demonstrated innovation and leadership in helping to improve health and safety in the construction industry.

There were significant number of entries and the competition was strong this year. HDL came off with flying colours and was proud to be announced one of the top 2 finalists of 2019. The awards were presented at the evening of Site Safe annual celebration in Auckland. For more information visit

HDL achieved the finalist award under the ‘Safety Leadership’ category. This Award is for a site or company where an initiative has been implemented that involves organisational leaders in driving health and safety performance through visible and active involvement in health and safety activities. This could include developing safety culture, making safety positive or demonstrating leadership at the highest level.

Business North Issue

The Construction boom has seen HDL rapidly progress its business by undertaking a diversified set of both commercial and residential complex projects.

This has enabled HDL to feature in the November 2018 edition of the Business North publication.

New Zealand Education Yearbook 2017

The Principals, Caretakers and Procurement staff across the Education sector are constantly striving to achieve best value for money. Part of the initiative towards achieving best value is forging partnerships with other academic institutions, and with reliable and trusted contractors or suppliers and creating efficiencies through aggregative procurement and the sharing of Best Practice.

Procurement efficiency gains will always remain central – delivering better services and infrastructure for the community both now and for the future. Improved spending solutions are often a result of hard work and initiative. With capable, motivated and passionate Educators and Business Support Staff involved in the procurement process much has, and will continue to be achieved.

Sean Pravin, Managing Director of HDL says; “the company has seen organic growth over the years and its robust systems and processes differentiates itself in the marketplace, but what really counts is a team of professionals who take enormous satisfaction out of making property owners happy.”

For more details, contact HDL to find out its School Services program.

Brighten Up Stroke of Genius

A little colour has changed Joan Ghest’s life.
Her kitchen was repainted professionally and decorated with flowers.
She was also taken out for lunch.
A grateful Mrs Ghest says getting the free renovation was a big relief because her husband is in a resthome and she has been maintaining her house and garden herself..
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Couple Paint a Brighter Future

Auckland based painting contractor has won a national award for voluntarily brightening up the lives of elderly people.
HDL won best community project at the recent Master Painter awards in Invercargill.

Over the past year HDL have painted the properties of five pensioners
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